Светлогорский городской округ
г.Светлогорск, Калининградский проспект 77А
+7 (40153) 3-33-00
The Lutheran church in Rauschen was established in 1903 on private donations, and consecrated on July 7, 1907. The architects were Otto Walter Kuckuck and Wichmann. The building is built in the Neo-Gothic style with elements of Jugendstil (German name for the Art Nouveau style).
The interior of the church was designed under the guidance and at the expense of the architect Hugo Gehring who lived in Rauschen. He also donated a carved altar to the parish.
After 1945 the building was used as a sports hall. In 1992 the building was consecrated as the Orthodox Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
This is an object of cultural heritage of regional significance and is under state protection. Individuals who cause damage to this cultural heritage object are subject to criminal, administrative, and other liability under the laws of the Russian Federation.