Светлогорский городской округ
г.Светлогорск, Калининградский проспект 77А
+7 (40153) 3-33-00
The Rauschen Kurhaus (German: Kurhaus/resort house) was built in 1901. In German resort towns a hotel that was the center of resort life taking into account its luxury, convenient location, and the availability of conditions for entertainment for vacationers, was awarded the status of Kurhaus.
The building is built in a style typical of the architecture of German coastal cities at the beginning of the 20th century with elements of Jugendstil (German name for the Art Nouveau style).
Spacious glazed verandas were used for reading newspapers, playing billiards and card games. There was a large hall where concerts were held.
The Kurhaus complex also included three wooden buildings the rooms of which were rented to vacationers only during the summer period.
An object of regional cultural heritage significance. Subject to state protection. Persons who cause damage to the object of cultural heritage are subject to criminal, administrative, and other liability under the laws of the Russian Federation.