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Светлогорский городской округ

г.Светлогорск, Калининградский проспект 77А


+7 (40153) 3-33-00

The Organ Hall of the "Makarov" Company (formerly the "Maria – Star of the Sea" Catholic Chapel)


The Catholic chapel was built in 1931 for the Catholic community of the Rauschen resort and visiting Catholics. The building with elements of half-timbered was built of wood dismantled from the "Kranz" suburban station in Königsberg and blended beautifully into the surrounding green landscape.

During its consecration, which took place on May 10, 1931, the chapel was named "Maria – Star of the Sea" (German: Katholische Kapelle Maria – Seestern).

In the postwar years the chapel building was used as a warehouse. After restoration, which began in 1994, the building of the former chapel housed the organ hall on May 25, 1995. The building was reconstructed by the composer Makarov Andrei Alexandrovich, a distinguished Russian artist/

Today this temple of music fills the life of the city-resort of Svetlogorsk with bright cultural events.

This is an object of cultural heritage of regional significance and is under state protection. Individuals who cause damage to this cultural heritage object are subject to criminal, administrative, and other liability under the laws of the Russian Federation.


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